Monday, December 20, 2010

Best of me; greatest accomplishment of what?

How would I describe the best thing about me?  This is proabably one of the hardest questions that I have to answer. I'm guessing it's because it's about me. It's extremely hard for me to pick out something good about myself. Especially at this point in time.  So many things going on; lack of sleep, problems going on at home. But if it doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? That's what they always say. (I hope whoever said that, knows what they were talking about.)  Anyways, back on topic. I'm going to say that the best thing about me would have to be my stubborness. It is extremely hard for me to give up on something that I start. Most of the time, anyways. If I want it bad enough, then I work hard to get it. If I have my mind set in stone about something, then whoever is trying to tell me different is going to have to work super hard to try and change my mind.

My greatest accomplishment so far in this class will have to be my blogging. I may not post all of the things that need to be posted, or when, but it's my favourite part of this class. I enjoy blogging more than I do making games. (or trying to make games). I think it great that there is a place that people can voice thier opinions, and capture the hearts of whoever reads it. (Depending on their topic , of course). 

"I chose and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken; the choosing was not. You have to move on."~ Stephen Sondheim

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Give me something to look forward to....

Ever feel like giving up hope; that nothing ever goes according to plan? I know the feeling, all too well.  Things are not the best at my house, I'm not complaining, but I just wish things aren't as horrible as they are. I know everyone has problems, and others go through the same thing I'm going through now, but I'm breaking. Slowly but surely. It sucks, I just need something to keep my mind off of it...
I feel like I haven't blogged in forever, so I guess that's why I'm doing it now. It gives me something to do, at least. As of right now, at this very minute, me and Kara (mostly  Kara) are brain storming for our paper prototype... Ha. It's a lot harder than I expected. World Hunger, there's a ton of things your brain can cook up. 
***And not as in cook up so a zombie can fulfill it's bloodlust or brainlust. Ha.*** I think our game will be pretty cool. And if you think otherwise, unless you're my teacher, then YOU"RE WRONG. :P

"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."
- William James 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do what you gotta do.

Everyone needs a little help, I don't care you you are. You may be stuborn and not like to  ask for help, but that doesn't mean you don't need it. When you need help getting something done and you recieve that help from another peer, that is called teamwork; working together to achieve a common goal(: Pretty cool huh? I think so. You can work with others to achieve ONE goal, instead of doing it companionless. If you work together you wont have as much to do, on the other hand, if you do it by yourself, you have to do it ALL.
Good teamwork, I think, is putting differences aside and doing what you gotta do to get the job done.
So, what's gonna work? TEAMWORK!

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ~~Ryunosuke Satoro quotes

Monday, October 25, 2010

Is it time for us to open our eyes, yet?

There's so much going on around us, that most of us probably don't even notice.  There's world hunger, and homeless people, and war. What are we, as young adults to do to help? We may think that the world is too big for us to voice our opinions. There is also the fact that we feel that the older generations wont take the time out of there busy day to listen to our ideas.
But if you think about it, it's the younger generations that are going to make the most inpact on how the world is going to be in, say, 20 years. So, if it is the younger ones that we need to aim all these issues at, why not make into something that they like. VIDEO GAMES. Who doesn't like video games? No one, that's right.
Instead of making games teaching younger ones to kill people, (zombies, that's okay. I believe there will be a zombie apocalypse.) or stealing cars, and buying hookers and alcohol, they could use their skill for something that wont give them bad ideas. 
We could teach them about recycling, or animal abuse, or teach them how to help the homeless. All we have to do is make something that cathces the attention of our generation. Once we do that, our generation will be unstoppable. We will be able to change the world for the better.

( I have no problem with video games, except that I suck at them. And one day, there will be a zombie apocalypse. I promise, you.)

Trust only movement.  Life happens at the level of events, not of words.  Trust movement. " ~Alfred Adler

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I need some privacy, gosh.

When most log onto their computer, they think that they are safe; they think that they are invincible. They will go onto chat-rooms and kinds of other websites. People all over the world can log onto the same page as you. There could be 1,000,000 people on the same thing as you are.
You may say that it's not a big deal, but it could be. Some people aren't very nice. There are creepers, pedophiles, and molesters that go into chatrooms and websites that kids our age like to go. They go in there and they have a different identity. They can be who-ever and whatever they want. They can be super deceitful and get information from you. They can get your age, whether you're a male or female, where you live, if you have any siblings, and anything they want to know about you. They can, because they are who they want to be, not who they are really.
Once they get that information, they can do what ever they want with it.  They could show up at your house, they could go out and meet you somewhere; they could even kidnap you and do horrible things to you. I know it's really horrible to think about, but it's always a possibility. Never think that something like that will never happen to you, cause it can. No one is special, no one is exempt for stuff like this.
So the next time you log on, make sure that you do not give out any personal information like: Photos, age, address, last name, where you go on the weekends, or what school  you go to.
Everyone here does a pretty good job about keeping their personal stuff personal. They don't post thing on the internet that shouldn't be there. If they do put something that is a little too identifiable, we are here to help them. We will let them know so that they can change it.

"Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart."
Alan Alda

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm just winging it ;)

I can already tell that this is going to take awhile for me to get use to. I really hope I'm not in over my head. I want to go my best, cause this is something I want to keep doing.
As soon as I think I got the hang of it, or that I'm on top of everything; something new comes up. It's not so much hard, as it is busy. You have to keep uploading, and editing, and adding, and a whole bunch of jazz.
I honestly think it will be worth it though. I know that I'm not the only one feeling this way. There's a few other first timers in my class, too. Along with ones who have had it for awhile. I know that if I need help, they will do their best to help me. I hope they know that I will do my best to help them, too, if I can.
So right now, I'm just going to go with the flow. I'm going to keep doing what I already know how to do, and learn what others have to teach me.  

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” -Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I want out of Globaloria....

    Hmm, what do I want to lean this year? That's a very difficult question for me to answer. There's so many new and wonderful things for me and my brain to soak up. It's hard to chose just a couple things, when there's like a hundred or more for me to chose from.
As of right now, I want to learn how to work Flash better than I do. I'm wanting to learn how to make video games. I want to learn how to photo-shop pictures better than how I do at my house. I want to learn how to scan my art work in to a video game. I want to learn all this and sooo much more. This year is going to be an adventure of my braiiiiinn:D

So far, so good?

     This school year is going to be a rough one. New students, new teachers, (from all over the world...) new rules, and on top of all that, we have construction going on. The computers seem to hate me, because they won't let me log on.(That's my wiki, student log on, and even my g-mail, sometimes.) It's enough to drive someone crazy. 
    Not all of it is bad though. Most of it's pretty swell:). I have the class I have wanted for two years with most of my friends in there, I have a great teacher, I have three art classes<3, and before too long, we'll have a brand spankin' new school:D! 
     We will just have to work together and bare through it. Help each other remember that the rules we have to follow are there for a reason. That before we know it, we'll have a new school. One that we can enjoy more, and that is better improved. We can all help improve each other, ourselves, and our surroundings.
     So yeah, so far so good:).