Monday, February 14, 2011

Well, Well, Well...

Social issues in today's society, where to begin. It'd help if I payed more attention. Wow. There's soooooo many to chose from. It's crazy how many problems there are.
I googled up a site that has MANY issues of today.
If I had to pick just one to talk about, I'm not sure which one I'd pick. The ones I'm most concerned about aren't really "school appropriate." I wont go into details, but I think Homosexuality, suicide (teen or any other kind), drug abuse, alcoholism, animal rights, abortion, HIV/AIDS, and human rights are the most important ones to me. 
I think that these issues are most important to be talked about, 'cause to me they are the most serious. They effect everyone. I'll post some links you can go to about each one. You don't have to read if you think it's going to offend you in any way. And if it does, I am sorry.
Homosexuality- 'Some early civilizations, such as those of ancient Greece and Rome, often accepted homosexual behavior but, in general, did not make a distinction between homosexuality and heterosexuality as orientations. Homosexual and heterosexual responses were considered to both be "natural" feelings that manifest to a greater or lesser degree in different individuals.'   If you want to read more, here's the site. --->
Suicide- I shouldn't really have to explain. Everyone should know what suicide is. Here is information on it and prevention. ---->
Drug Abuse- Well, here's one that gets a little tough. I'm sure we all know some one in out past or present that has done drugs. I know, I know some people that I use to be close too that do drugs. I don't really talk to them anymore, cause I got tired of worrying about them, and all the pills and crap the were doing.  ((I have an opinion of this, but this isn't the place for me to state it. ))
This is a site that tells you about the affects of drug abuse are and hoe to prevent drug abuse. --->
Alcoholism- I guess in a way, this could be considered a 'drug', cause too much of it hurts your body. ((I also have an opinion on this, that I can't state on here...)) Too much, in daily doses is REALLLYYYY bad. --->
Animal Rights- I associate this with animal cruelty. That is wrong. It's inconceivable how a human being with a soul could hurt an animal. I'm not a crazy vegetarian hippy, yelling "KILLING ANIMALS IS WRONG!" type of person. I don't see the  harm in killing an animal (in season) for food. What I do consider wrong is animal testing and abuse. (like not feeding them or beating them or fighting them.)
Here are some animal right facts. ---->
Abortion- I feel it's probably going to be in  my best interest not to post a site on this one. I will say, I think it's wrong and should only be available to rape victims...
HIV/AIDS- This should be talked about. There should be precautions taken. People need to know that they aren't excluded from it if they are 'straight'. Even if most cases of HIV/AID are same-sex couples.
This has facts on the issue, along with other site you can go to if you want more. ---->
Human Rights- When I see this, the first things that come to mind: Human Trafficking, the rights that every one have, and how they are abused sometimes.
Like I said before, if any of these are offensive in any way I'm sorry. Post me calm comment about  which one it as and why, I'll probably take it down. Just please, don't be rude. (: 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a good post, you have a great deal of information and you have also stated your concerns about offending anyone and apologizing about it. That was cool. I like how you sort of stated your opinions but didn't push. I also really liked how you posted links.
