Yesterdaywas an Ah.Maz.Ingg day. It was all warm and sunny outside, but today it's not. It is really cold, and it's snowing. AGAIN. I just cannot grasp the concept of how it goes from being super warm, to freezing within less than 24 hours. It just shouldn't be possible...
Today, thus far, I have purchased prom tickets for me and my boyfriend, I have uploaded my files to the wiki page, I linked them to our team page, and I'm blogging. (Which is my favourite thing to dooo, of course.) I hope that later on in the day, the snow goes away :D.
--Angry Rampage-- I watched Tuck Everlasting last night, for the first time. It was a really good movie, until it ended. >:/
The ending really made me upset. I think that it should of had a happy ending, but noooooo. She had to just go and NOT drink from the fountain. Why? Who knows. She had to of been crazy to not want too. I mean, she could have lived forever with the one person in the world that will love her "forever." Why give that up?
Well, to be honest I probably wouldn't drink from it either. I mean if you did, you would stay the same while everyone you know and love would die in front of you. But since it was a movie, I'm still a little upset about that.
E.J. is BEASTTT at this whole game making thing. I don't know what our team would do without him, cause I know that I would mess it up. >.< Lol. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. :p
I'm tired today, just a little. Normally I'm a WHOLE lot more tired than this, so I shouldn't be complaining. I think it's this wheather though. It's depressing.