Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What can I say to you, that you haven't already heard?

Yesterdaywas an Ah.Maz.Ingg day. It was all warm and sunny outside, but today it's not. It is really cold, and it's snowing. AGAIN. I just cannot grasp the concept of how it goes from being super warm, to freezing within less than 24 hours. It just shouldn't be possible...
Today, thus far, I have purchased prom tickets for me and my boyfriend, I have uploaded my files to the wiki page, I linked them to our team page, and I'm blogging. (Which is my favourite thing to dooo, of course.) I hope that later on in the day, the snow goes away :D.
--Angry Rampage-- I watched Tuck Everlasting last night, for the first time. It was a really good movie, until it ended. >:/
The ending really made me upset. I think that it should of had a happy ending, but noooooo. She had to just go and NOT  drink from the fountain. Why? Who knows. She had to of been crazy to not want too. I mean, she could have lived forever with the one person in the world that will love her "forever." Why give that up?
Well, to be honest I probably wouldn't drink from it either. I mean if you did, you would stay the same while everyone you know and love would die in front of you. But since it was a movie, I'm still a little upset about that.
E.J. is BEASTTT at this whole game making thing. I don't know what our team would do without him, cause I know that I would mess it up. >.< Lol. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. :p
I'm tired today, just a little. Normally I'm a WHOLE lot more tired than this, so I shouldn't be complaining. I think it's this wheather though. It's depressing. 


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